A story about how talent, generosity and solidarity are the ingredients of a strong brand.
A story about how players and supporters create an unique bond that goes beyond the World Cup in Brazil.
Pieter GOIRIS – General Manager, Boondoggle Group
Pieter Goiris (41) is co-founder & Chief Executive Officer of Boondoggle, full service marketing & communication agency and member of the Board of Directors of Boondoggle. He holds a Master Degree in Organizational Psychology from the KU Leuven.
While holding this position, he grew Boondoggle towards a leading advertising & communication agency with offices in Leuven & Amsterdam;
Next to the professional communication industry, Pieter is also president of the board of two leading organizations in the Belgian Music Industry, being Poppunt in Brussels (advice, content, projects & services www.poppunt.be ) & the concert venue Het Depot in Leuven.(www.hetdepot.be)
Together with some friends, Pieter has also developed a creative real estate project in the oldest brewery of Stella Artois. This ‘creative minds’ project became the heart of creativity in Leuven.
Last but not least, he lives happily together and is father of two daughters and a son.