About BMMA

An association of professionals sharing their knowledge and experiences in every aspect of marketing and management.

The BMMA was created in 1971 at the behest of Jean Quatresooz and Dan Cukier.
Since its earliest days, the BMMA has sought to be the ideal forum for promoting encounters and exchanges of information relating to all aspects of management, communication and marketing, as well as to making these sectors more professional.

Hugues Rey (Chief Executive Officer Havas Belgium) became the 5th President of the Association on 18th December 2018.
He succeeds only 4 presidents who have gone before him:

  • Jean Quatresooz, President – founder of INRA (Europe), from 1971 to 1993.
  • Philippe Biltiau, Consultant Marketing and Professor at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, from 1993 to 2000.
  • Freddy Tacheny, CEO Zelos, from 2001 to May 2013.
  • Yves Gérard, (General Manager of RMB), from May 2013 to December 2018.

From its earliest days, the BMMA has sought to be a place that promotes meetings and exchanges of information touching on all aspects of MANAGEMENT, COMMUNICATION and MARKETING and to increase professionalisation of these sectors.

The flagship events of the association have since 1971 been the dinner-discussions held ten times each year.

Today the BMMA has some 500 members.