From global connection to new marketing approach : the VOO case

Introduction to the three lunches cycle:

The networks and data that flow from connected people and objects are opening up new perspectives in each activity sector, creating a range of applications and economic opportunities. In the meantime mobile access to the Internet combined with the explosion of the smartphone market, has created consumers’ demand for connected objects and applications.

Some companies have already realized the potential value of matching these technology evolutions and people’s expectations by taking advantage of IoT.

During the next 3 lunches, the BMMA will feature famous Belgian brands in order to break down their strategical journey with regard to IoT and mobile applications. From the industry point of view to advertising & marketing applications, our speakers will give you a broad picture of the wonderful opportunities leveraged by IoT and Mobile and how to exploit them.

Introduction to the intervention of the day:

VOO Case
Seeing the new trends coming, Voo has prepared its strategy to answer new demands from their audience for several years now. How to propose to watch TV on any screen, anywhere, anytime without losing their own business model? The control! That’s what today’s users are expecting. Companies, and even more TV operators such as VOO, have to change and adapt their « products & services » portfolio to higher and bigger expectations from the market. The expectation that I can get what I want, anytime, in my immediate context is really hard to reach, and yet possible. That’s what VOO started to do with the product Voo Motion, now available on all screens. Let us explain you how this strategy has started and what are the results obtained.

Nicolas Marchand – Vice-President & Sales Director, VOO & BE TV

Nicolas Marchand is a Civil Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He graduated from Université Catholique de Louvain, where he obtained a Master’s Degree in Economics and he also received a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Cornell University.
Nicolas has worked as an IT Analyst for Crédit Agricole Indosuez, an Operational Support Manager for Citibank and an Engagement Manager for McKinsey. He was then appointed Chief Finance and Strategy Officer for Private and Retail Banking at BNP Paribas. As the Chief Commercial Officer of VOO&Betv, he has a wide array of responsibilities relating to sales, product development, business intelligence, TV Content, Marketing, Advertising, CRM…).
Nicolas enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He likes badminton and skiing and playing sports in general.

Dimitri Blomme – Sales Director, Tapptic

  • 30 years
  • Graduated in Economic Sciences (ICHEC), Master in International Economics (HEC-Ulg)
  • After a few years in the world of web, I switched 4 years ago to the world of mobile devices. The similarities between the evolution of the two worlds are evident, with nevertheless a major difference: the curve acceleration. Where it took 10 years to the web to make it, it just took 5 years to social and mobile devices, and only 2 years to see a host of items connected around us. A great passion for innovation and value creation coming from new technologies. I am a commercial since my first day in professional life, and probably until my last, with the ongoing desire to conquer the world.
  • Hobbies: family, friends, sports (hockey, sailing – prof skipper – diving, ski etc.)